Our Values – Environment, Social and Governance
Apollo Group operates successfully in some of the most challenging jurisdictions because it understands the importance of maintaining a social license to operate a mine and is committed to meeting the needs of all stakeholders in the Project.
With a focus on strategic, world class mining projects, Apollo Group is able to ensure that both our core values and our commitment to responsible and sustainable development can be achieved simultaneously.
We are committed to aligning projects with local stakeholders, and seek to:
- provide new career options and training for both unskilled and skilled local staff
- employ and empower local executives and staff
- adopt continual local community engagement
- adopt all necessary safety standards and practice as the minimum standard
- ensure full environmental compliance
- where possible, listing of the company’s securities on a regional stock exchange to provide residents with an increased opportunity to invest in the project’s development
- adopt international best practice for all areas of project development activities including environmental and social management